
Allocation & Public Domain Issuance

Allocation of common areas in accordance with the applicable legislation or the regulations of the building or the decision of the general meeting.

We are always close to the Operator

Providing advice and clarification on any problem of the building or complex.
Our company is an official member of S.E.K.
(Association of Public Utility Companies)

Aggregated situation

Aggregated list of a block of flats with all common expenses, the mileage and the amount of participation of each property by category of expenses

Public utility payment notification

A notice of common charges payment for each property showing in detail the participation mileage, the total common charges of the apartment building or complex, and the amount of the property's contribution to the costs of the apartment building or complex

Proof of payment

A receipt for each property, which the co-owner-occupant receives from the manager when paying the common charges.

The #1 company for common property issuance services & financial management of multi-family houses & holiday home settlements in the prefecture of Halkidiki.

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